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Architecture & Design

One of the main challenges that arise while architecting and designing a new or an upgraded system is that of guarding the system against performance loss caused by enduring design faults in the developed application.

Your application may deliver better even on your existing hardware, through design improvements, coding practices, refactoring, deployment configuration, and tuning of the stack (appserver, database, operating system, network, JVM, etc.). We bring the experience of working with various stacks (with open-source and commercial elements) built on our understanding of the internals. Our application-specific techniques are based on thorough planning and well-designed methodology. We exploit the characteristics of the target system and application; all the while focusing on defining the right software architecture for your enterprise, together with making correct technology choices based on industry trends.

Our only aim is to ensure that you have the right architecture for your applications. Always.

Alfa Major works closely with your team and provides architectural services that include planning the re-engineering of your legacy systems, and integration. Alfa Major can help you design your application such that the best benchmarking and tuning techniques are adhered to and ensuring that the architecture chosen performs and scales in the best possible way.

Our consulting team is a set of experts with experience of working on various modules, along with specialized knowledge of technology internals. Our approach at any given point of time will help you develop an application within an architecture that will bring you the greatest business benefits in a cost-effective manner.

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